Relate and Unrelate Dataverse rows using Power Automate

Tamilarasu Arunachalam
3 min readJul 15, 2023


Photo by Tim Johnson on Unsplash

Relate rows

We can associate Dataverse rows using Power Automate. The records must possess one-to-many or many-to-many relationship.

  • Navigate to Power Automate 🡲 +New 🡲 Automation 🡲 Cloud Flow 🡲 Instant.
  • Add a name to the flow and select manual flow as a trigger
  • Add a Dataverse step named Relate Rows below the manual trigger step.
  • In this article, I want to relate an account record with id 37b08bbd-30f7-ed11–8848–000d3a0a7d50 and a contact with record id a5268935–3e13-ee11–9cbd-000d3a0ab265.
  • In the relate rows step, we must mention the Table/Entity, row ID (record ID), Relationship, and Relate with.
  • For the Relationship field, select the respective relationship for the record which we want to relate with. In my case, I have selected contact_customer_contacts.
  • Relate with field only accept the row URL or OData URL of the target record.
  • Save the flow and Test it.
  • The flow ran successfully. Let’s check the record which we related.
  • The account 20 20 Printing Inc. is related with the contact John Doe.

Unrelate Rows

We can disassociate the records which are associated using one-to-many or many-to-many relationship. We are using the same record (related in previous section) to demonstrate the Unrelate rows too.

  • Create a new Instant flow in Power Automate
  • Add a Dataverse step named Unrelate rows below the manual trigger.
  • Add Table Name, Row ID, Relationship and Unrelate With fields.
  • For the Relationship field, select the respective relationship for the record which we want to disassociate with. In my case, I have selected contact_customer_contacts.
  • The unrelate with field accepts the record’s OData URL. Do give it as mentioned in the above image.
  • Save the flow and run.
  • The flow ran successfully. Let’s check the record whether it is disassociated or not.
  • Hurray! The record is disassociated.

Have a great day!

Originally published at on July 9, 2023.



Tamilarasu Arunachalam

A Software Engineer with experience in developing applications out of Power Platform, majorly on Power Apps and Power Automate. I am a seasonal blogger too.